Viscount LDPE Bags - Medium Duty

Designed for storing and packaging edible items from baked goods to confectionary and beyond, our food-grade low-density polythene (LDPE) bags are a high-quality, low-cost everyday essential for shops, delis, cafes and more. Stocked in packs of 200 and supplied with rigid boxes so they can be dispensed easily and hygienically, these 200 gauge clear LDPE bags offer a medium-duty food storage solution.

Medium-duty viscount boxed LDPE bags
Virgin LDPE linear material for food use
Rigid boxed dispensers for protection and ease of use
Easy opening
Neatly packed
200 gauge LDPE bags
We stock a full range of clear polythene bags in a wide selection of sizes and gauges to suit various products and applications
All of our plastic bags are manufactured from high-strength, high-clarity, food-grade polythene

As low as £68.73
Availability: In stock
Viscount LDPE Bags - Medium Duty

Total Summary

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Price Per Pack
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